Wednesday, August 31, 2011

perfect day to go to beach!

Hi there ;) how are you doing?

I'm Annie from Turquoise.

It's so hot today! i can't believe tmrw is Sep!

here is a perfect T-shirt for such a hot day * 

This is from CHASER.

Their work is always unque and fun !! :)

I will let u know if we get new items. See you soon !


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

You can still enjoy summer!!

Hi there :)

This is Annie from Turquoise.

I can't believe August will end soon.. Time goes sooo fast :(

Did u enjoy this summer?

Whether u did or not, girls can always be happy with prettt dress *

Here is Annie's suggestion for you!

enjoy the end of summer with Turquoise <3


Saturday, August 27, 2011

Summer Sale Ends Soon!

Hi everyone!
How is your weekend going?

Oh I wish I were able to go to the beach today!
Its really sunny today is it?

Well, i have to let you know that our summer sale will be over really soon ;(
Please please come by before sale ends!
We still have cute summerie stuff and sandals :)

Also, we are getting new clothes♪
I know you will really love them <3

Hope to see you all soon!

Have a good one ;D


Friday, August 26, 2011

Relax with LOLIA!

Hi everyone,

It's Annie from Turquoise in Hermosa Beach!

It's Friday !! What are your plans tonight & weekend ??

Sometimes we need time just to relax...

then, you could try LOLIA's handcreams :)

Those could be perfect gift to someone, too!

Many celeblities like it :)

Come & Try in Turquoise *

Have a wonderful weekend!


Thursday, August 25, 2011

go out with your favorite T-shirt :)

Hi there :)

It's Annie from Turquoise in Hermosa Beach!

It's Tuesday ! only one day left !

What are your plans in this weekend?

This weekend there is a big beachvollay game in Mahattan Beach !

You can watch it, get excited, and get excited again in Turquoise!!!

we still have summer final sale !! yayyay!!

 These are all 30% off !! (sorry, shoes are not) 

This is my favorite one ;) SMILE SMILE ~~*

I hope to see u soon!


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

new WILDFOX beachjumpers !!

Hello :) This is Annie from Turquoise !

Summer is almost over..

Girls, We need new cloths for fall !!

Here are new beachjumpers from WILDFOX.

It's really warm, comfy, and CUTE <3 perfect one for you!


You can color ur life with WILDFOX and turquoise ...*

Have a nice day !


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

so wild-foxy fall is coming !!

Hi there ;)

This is Annie from Turquoise in Hermosa Beach!

Look! we just got new items from WILDFOX  !!

bright & cute. i like it ;)

peace !!world peace!!

The shoes in those pics are EVEREST  from Jeffrey Canpbell.

perfect! perfait!

u can try them @turquoise *

i hope to see u soon !


Monday, August 22, 2011

Brand new stuffs!

Hi, Guys.
This is Natallie from Turquoise in Hermosa Beach.

I will show you some brand new stuffs from Stylestalker!
It's the awesome Australian brand.

 I love these shirts so much!!! So awesome!

Pls check the brand new collection @Turquoise:)
See you!


Saturday, August 20, 2011

Sidewalk Sale Day 1

Hey Guys!
How is your weekend?
Did you come shop at Turquoise today?
If you didn't, come by tomorrow!lol
Don't miss our special sidewalk sale offer ;)

Those below are our sale items.
Check them out!
50% OFF Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell, Sam Edelman, HOH, Rubb, and more!

30% OFF Table: Wildfox, UNIF, Chaser, and etc.

50% Off Table: Winter Kate, J Brand, Siwy, Wildfox, and more.

Did you find your favorite brand from our sale goods?

Hope to see you guys tomorrow! :D

Have a good night.



Friday, August 19, 2011


Hi there ;)

this is Annie from Turquoise in Hermosa Beach !

I'm glad to announce you that we got much stuffs of fall colections *

The shirt with dots below is newest style from MINKPINK.

Do you like it?

Just feel free to come and try it :)

Anyway, this weekend is SIDEWALK SALE in Hermosa Beach !!! yay!!

You can swim in the beach, have a great lunch, see some entertainments... then... shop a lot !!!!!!

Most of our stuffs will be 30 to 50% off .

Our sale stuffs are not only cloths. Many of our shoes will be 30% off too !

Those MELISSA shoes are my biggest recommendation!


You shoud check in Turquoise!!

I hope to see u soon!


Thursday, August 18, 2011

It's almost Friday!!

Hi everyone*

this is Annie from Turquoise in Hermosa Beach !

these days it's been cloudy here.. I hope the sun comes out ;)

Anyway I will show u couple of my favorites tonight !

WILDFOX !!! beach people love it.

DITA sunglasses

These are all handmade in Japan.

It's perfect as a gift for dearest one :)

Now..those are 30% off!!! big chance!!

By the way, weekends is coming soon!

it means .. SIDEWALK SALE!!!

please stop by Turquoise and enjoy big sale*

Have a good evening

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

sidewalk sale!!!

Good evening every one ;)

This is Annie from Turquoise in Hermosa Beach.

 How's it goin?

Today I wanna show you some of our stuffs...


never be the same in the world!!

                                                                  we also have baby stuffs :)
                                                         the newest t-shirt from UNIF
                                                            soooo cute..  isn't it? x)

Anyway do you know about SIDEWALK SALE  in Hermosa Beach??

On this weekend (8/20&21) you can enjoy walking shopping, dining, and entertainments near the beach!!

Of course we have a big sale in this time !!

Never miss this chance ! ;)

I hope to see u soon *


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Jeffrey Campbell

Hi there :)
This is Layla from Turquoise in Hermosa Beach.

We've got 2011FF shoes by Jeffrey Campbell! yay
Everybody loves these right? XD

Left: Lita(3kinds), Little, Les

Check them out @ our store in MB and HB!
Ill uplad more photos later ;)

Have a good weekend!

